WOW!!!! Where-o-where did October go? It seems like we blinked and it had passed us. I think this may have been the busiest October we've ever experienced. One thing is for sure, I don't think a spare moment was lost in the shuffle.

Wendy and I took advantage of Halloween in Old Town again last night with a trip down to Lee St. to see all of the ghouls and goblins. Just to get you up to speed, Lee St. is one of the very historic streets in Old Town that leads off of King Street (our main street). On Halloween night police put up baracades on all of the surrounding streets to block traffic from entering Lee Street, turning it into a six or seven block long paradise for trick-or-treaters. Last night's weather was a perfect fall evening, and celebrators of All Hallow's Eve came out in droves. By about 6:30, this was a view down one of the blocks.

As we walked around we took mental stock of the day, the fun, the costumes, the houses, and even everything we accomplished over one of the most enjoyable months of the year.

We have to give props to the owners of the houses on Lee Street, they really go all out for Halloween. Quite honestly, we both really wish we live on that street, especially every Halloween. Walking around we saw party after party going on, with all-out decorations.

From driveways turned into haunted alleys... nooks that housed mummies.

To skeletons painting in windows... makeshift graveyards in from of small colonial homes.

Our walk around Old Town was quite fun.

But I wonder what the owners of the homes need to budget for Halloween?

Almost every year we feel the same way, what happened to the month and how is it Halloween already? But this year, I think more than any other year, we tried to fit way too much into a mere 31 days.

Our journey into fall started with a bang. Apartment Therapy had contacted us about doing a home tour and we had the official photo shoot the first weekend of October. So we spent the first several days cleaning and organizing so that people wouldn't see any horrible messiness. Ugh, I hate cleaning.

The day immediately after the shoot we switched into party mode. We knew we had a jam packed month ahead of us, so we had our annual Halloween costume party a little earlier than usual. This meant we had to get the whole house decorated for Halloween by about October 3rd for our party on the 8th.

Ok, ok, October 8 may be a little on the extremely early side for Halloween, but we had little option. The party was a success, all had a good time, and we really had some great weather for it.

As soon as all of the dishes were cleaned up and put away, we turned our attention to packing for our eight night trip to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. In case you missed it, we were going to pick up our new car at the Volvo factory in Sweden. Oh, we also fit in an interview for a local newspaper that had contacted us about doing a story on our blog and house.

Once we arrived in Sweden and had our car, we were off to wander around Scandinavia for a week. It was amazing trip, to say the least. Fun, stressful, new, exciting, and an excellent experience all wrapped into one.

Upon our return home we switched gears yet again, getting ready to head down to Richmond, Virginia, for a friend's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding on a blustery day (and a snow storm up north). We had left for vacation during what seemed like the last days of summer, and it seemed like we had returned in the midst of winter.

And that brings us just about up to speed. Oh, and all the while we tried to get whatever we could done on our vestibule and front door project. Did you notice that we got very little actual house work accomplished this month? Such is the life of the busy crazy DIYer!

Hey, at least we got all of the glass installed in our French doors. Glazing takes a really...really...REALLY long time. 

So our walk around Lee Street on Halloween meant we were able to take a break from it all for just a few minutes and appreciate the night.

And did I mention while on the walk, Wendy and I talked about everything we needed to accomplish in November? Yeah, we're hopeless.

We hope your Octobers and Halloweens were as productive as we feel like ours was. What sort of stuff did you absolutely pack in? Or perhaps you did what we wish we could have been doing. Sitting around all month and not doing much.

Comments 1


11/4/2011 at 12:41 PM
October was ridiculously packed for me and my spouse as well, mostly because of the move, and the fact that I worked until the day before we drove off. There's an amusement park near where we moved to, Canada's Wonderland, and that is the one thing I wish we'd made the time to enjoy. It closes for the season right before Halloween, when they open it up as a Haunted theme park, and despite living here for 26 or so years previous to this time, I've never gotten to see the park done up for Halloween!

Your October looked fantastic though, I can't get the idea of traveling to Sweden to pick up a car of my own out of my head! :)
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